Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday May 26, 2012

I an not sure why but this place, Provincetown, MA, is spectacular.  I am comfortable here.  I was comfortable like this in NYC, when I lived there five or six years ago.  I am learning more about me.  It is a beautiful day, sunny, hot and humid.  The ocean was stellar today.  I was at Race Point Beach and it was so cool and comfortable.  I am finally and old geezer.  I can go to the National Parks anywhere at no cost now.  It is frickin' great.  I am in love with the National Seashore of Cape Cod.  Walking, biking and photographing is out of this world.  Thank God that dude in Key Largo didn't kill me when he hit me. My life is just beginning.  Going to a reading of Angels in America tonight at the P'town theater.  Should be wonderful.

Garage sales, flowers, and a terrific day today.  I am home.

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